Julie Gendron

Julie Gendron
Scene, 2004
C-Print, 15.5" x 23.3"
Market Value $600
Starting Bid $250

Julie Gendron


November 2007
don’t, stop @ the CSA Gallery, Vancouver, BC
Interactive, sound, sculpture in collaboration with Emma Hendrix.

September 2006
Serious Culture II @ Interurban Gallery, Vancouver, BC
Solo show. Completed with financial assistance from the Canada Council for the Arts Media Arts

May 2005
Serious Culture @ Bain Matheu, Montreal, QC
Concordia Graduate Technology and Design Group Show.
Sensor based video sculpture that induces collaborative drawing. Interaction design thesis work at Concordia University specializing in participatory art forms.


February 2007
Circus Maximus with the Experimental Music Collective and Edgeffect @ the Western Front.
Video performance and performance art.

September 2006, March 2007, April 2007, September 2007, April 2008
New Forms In Dub I, II, III, IV, V for the New Forms Festival, Vancouver, BC
Improvised visual performance for Lighta! and the New Forms Festival at Open Studios.

April 2006
Open Inputs @ SOMA, Vancouver, BC
Improvised visual performance with Emma Hendrix for Michael Red’s infamous Open Input’s night.

March 2006
New Orchestra Workshop Society @ the Jazz Cellar, Vancouver, BC
Improvised visual performance for jazz musicians Lisa Miller, piano; Chris Gestrin, organ; Ron
Samworth, guitar.

Fall 2004/Winter 2005
VOLVO YCC Concept Car PR Event (video performance)
Atmospheric video performance working with This Is It Design to transform a largely empty space
using video projections on large room dividing screens.

Fall 2004/Winter 2005
Miniature Research Project (video performance)
Musical, theatrical and video research group at Concordia University lead by Professor PK
Langshaw and Liselyn Adams.

August 2004
Vertigo @ BLIM (concept, video shoot/edit, video performance)
Video performance piece performed to Intermission’s improvised electro acoustics.


August 2004
Event @ Electric Railway Building
Group photo show featuring Anxiety Photographic Series

September 2003, September, 2005, September 2006
Mercury Theatre @ Cathedral Park, Dunsmuir & Richards (video curator)
Visuals mixed live from submissions by Vancouver Artists to depict Vancouver as a Sci-fi landscape.

July 2003
Shuffle @ Intermission Studio (event management)
A collaborative drawing and open-invitational happening.

March 2003
RAW ON for Signal and Noise and Video In Studios
Happening/Performance art pushing the limits of the everyday.

June 2002
Spot @ Stanley Park (photographer, performer)
A public performance interrupting the anthrax fear culture following 911. Composed for TVFrames –
CityTV televised feature on Intermission.

April 2002
Anamorphosis @ Havana Theatre (concept, improvised video mixing to Intermission’s improvised
digital music)
The debut of a new cinematic form as part of the Vancouver New Music ongoing series experimental
music, the anamorphosis performance addresses the imminence of the real. 80min live improvised
video and sound performance @ Havana Theater.

July 2001
Flaj @ Intermission Studio (stage lighting, model)
An evening of fashion showcased a collection of original pieces by seven emerging artists and

June 2001
Prohep @ Western Front (curator, performance art)
An audience participation piece using 40 couches to create an evening of everyday theatre.


September 2005
Concordia University
Graduate Certificate in Digital Art Technologies in Design Art Practice.
+ participatory art practice

Dec. 94 to Aug. 95
Applied Arts Multimedia Centre Diploma
+ video, graphics and multimedia.

Sept. 90 to Aug. 94
University of Manitoba
Bachelor of Arts
+ political Science and English.


July 2006
Canada Council for the Arts Media Arts Travel Grant
Travel Grant toward speaking at Perform.Media (Indiana University)

June 2006
Canada Council for the Arts Media Arts Project Grant
Project Grant toward the completion of Serious Culture II.

January 2005
CIAM (Centre interuniversitaire des arts mediatiques) Award (Montreal)
Project Grant toward the completion of Serious Culture.

September 2004
Dora and Avi Morrow Award for Excellence in Visual Arts (Montreal)

January 2004
British Columbia Arts Council
For “Everywhere You Want to Be” an Internet documentary about credit card culture.

February 2003
BC Film
Travel costs to pitch “Everywhere You Want To Be” in Byron Bay, Australia