David Khang

David Khang
Eternal Peace Avenue (from Globalopoly Series), 2000
Silkscreen Print, 15 x 22
Market Value $500
Starting Bid $300

David Khang is a visual and performance artist based in Vancouver. In recent works that incorporate live animals and organs of speech, Khang uses language as a trope to consider constructions and performativity of gender and race, contextualized within postcolonial history and contemporary culture. After completing a BSc (Psychology) and DDS, Khang received his BFA from Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design (2000), and MFA from the University of California, Irvine (2004), where he was the recipient of the UCI Chancellor's Full Fellowship. Khang is a 2006-7 recipient of the Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art (NY). He recently produced How To Feed Piano, a highly successful performance at Centre A.