China Earthquake Relief Fundraising Silent Auction
Friday, June 20th, 2008, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
at Centre A, 2 West Hastings St., Vancouver, Canada
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Entry by donation.
Event website: http://2008may12.blogspot.com
This event is a humanitarian contribution from the Vancouver art community to those who are suffering from the terrible disaster in Sichuan, China. Featuring a diverse and spectacular group of Canadian and international artists, including Eric Metcalfe, Hank Bull, Randy Gledhill, David Khang, Xu Bing, and Ding Yi, with more than 30 contemporary art works, incorperated into Centre A's current exhibition Showroom, the auction is so far the biggest China earthquake relief event in Vancouver. A sneak preview of the art work is available online at http://2008may12.blogspot.com. Internet bidding is also accepted for those who cannot attend.
Special thanks to
Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
Kristina Lee Podesva and Inge Roecker
Peking Lounge
Shengtian Zheng & Yishu Journal
Leestone Industry Ltd.
Organizers: Phoebe Jin & Debra Zhou
Fundraising Committee: Makiko Hara, Randy Gledhill
For more information Please contact: 2008may12@gmail.com
Online bidding
Please send your highest bid to 2008may12@gmail.com , attention Debra Zhou. Make sure to include your name, telephone number and bid amount.
Online bidding ends at June 20, 6pm Pacific time.
Auction Payment
Centre A, 2 West Hastings St., Vancouver, Canada
2008年5月12日在中国四川省发生里氏八级特大地震,数千公里外的武汉、北京和上海均有强 烈震感。此后数天,同一地区,又遭受了上千次余震。地震摧毁了成千上万房屋、城市和乡村基础设施、交通系统和电网。无数家庭、学校和商业设施被彻底摧毁。这是中国三十年来造成损失最为惨重的地震灾害。
我们即将举办的这场地震赈灾拍卖会,是由温哥华艺术界组织的一次人道主义募捐活动,旨在帮助那些此刻依然正在痛苦中挣扎的中国地震灾民。此次活动汇集了加拿大和国际上知名的视觉艺术家,如Hank Bull、Randy Gledhill,David Khang,徐冰和丁乙以及他们的30余件现代艺术作品。它将是目前为止British Columbia省规模最大的赈灾募捐活动。拍卖活动的收入将如数全部捐献给加拿大红十字会以供赈灾之用。
参加拍卖之艺术品的图片资料提前在拍卖会的网站 http://2008may12.blogspot.com 上预览。不能亲临现场的人士,亦可通过网络竞价的方式参与拍卖。
Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
Kristina Lee Podesva and Inge Roecker
Peking Lounge
Shengtian Zheng & Yishu Journal
Leestone Industry Ltd.
组织者:Phoebe Jin & Debra Zhou
募款委员会:Makiko Hara, Randy Gledhill
China Earthquake Relief Silent Auction Art List as of June 16, 2008
1.Xu Bing
Book from the Ground, 2007
ink on paper, 29.7 cm x 35.6 cm, signed by the artist.
Produced by Xu Bing Studio, New York. Edition of 199.
Starting Bid $350
2.Hank Bull [SOLD]
Untitled, 2006, Oil Painting, 10" x 8"
Market Value $800, Starting Bid $20
3.Michael Doe [SOLD]
Spring left over , 2008, C-print, 65cm x 85cm
Market Value $400, Starting Bid $200
4.Li Feng x 3 [SOLD / one photo]
White Night, 2005, Digital print, 30"x 22"
Market Value $1500/each, Starting Bid $600/each
5.Julie Gendron
Scene, 2004, C-Print, 15.5" x 23.3"
Market Value &600, Starting Bid $250
6.Randy Gledhill [SOLD]
The Ruins of the 1964 New York World’s Fair, 1984
Digital-Print, 12 x 17 inches
Market Value $12000, Reserved Value $15
7.Paul De Guzman [SOLD]
Grand Street # 65 - Trouble, 1999
altered literary magazine, mylar blisterpak, Plexiglas tray, 13" x 10" x 2.5"
Market Value $3000, Starting Bid $200
8.David Hucal [SOLD]
Untitled, 2008, Gouache,41.7cm x 34cm
Market Value $350, Starting Bid $100
9.Phoebe Jin x 2
Untitled, 2006, Digital print 16"x 24"
Market Value $1000/each, Starting Bid $400/each
10.Kyungji Susan Kang
Untitled, 2006, Acrylic on panel, 31"x60"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $300
11.David Khang
Eternal Peace Avenue (from Globalopoly Series), 2000, Silkscreen Print, 15 x 22
Market Value $500, Starting Bid $300
12.Khan Lee [SOLD]
Untitled, 2002, plastic
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $49.99
13.Sally Lee x 2 [SOLD]
The 'f' word, 2002, Lithograph on paper, 23" x 15"
Market Value $200/each, Starting Bid $30/each, $50 as a pair
14.Glenn Lewis
Marilyn Monroe, 1953, C-print 16"x 21"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $400
15.Eric Metcalfe [SOLD]
Mandarin Ducks, 2008, Gouache, 15" x 11"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $400
16.Michael Morris [SOLD]
STEP'IN OUT, 2003, Silkscreen Print, 11.5" x 8.5"
Market Value $600, Starting Bid $100
17.Bryan Mulvihill [SOLD]
Tea and Zen tastes the same, 2008, Calligraphy, 16" x 46.5"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $50
18.Heidi Nagtagaal [SOLD]
Living Room Cozy, 2003, Play-mobile + Knitted material, 15.7" x 8.6" x 8.6"
Market Value $800, Starting Bid $200
19.Christopher Olson [SOLD]
Rough Idea for a Proposed Installation at Some Point, 2008, Digital Print on Matte, 11x14
Market Value $200, Starting Bid $20
20.Liz Park x 2
Totem & China Town Gate, 2002, pencil on paper, 22" x 30"
Market Value $500, Starting Bid $200
21.Joomi Seo [SOLD]
Replacement of Art about Art with Representation about Representation, 2008
Digital Print, 5 x 7 inches
Market Value $250, Starting Bid $50
22.William Ting [SOLD]
Suntanning @ Terminal, 2007, unframed, Inkjet Print on Archival Fine Art Paper, 24" x 34"
Market Value $500, Starting Bid $200
23.Zhang Xin (pen-name: Muchen Zhang) [SOLD]
Circulation, 2007, Oil Painting, 36"X36"
Market Value: $800, Starting Bid $300
24.Chen Yi
Black Construction, 2007, Oil Painting, 36"X48"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $400
25.Ding Yi [SOLD]
Crosses 08, 2008, Serigraph on paper, 297 x 178mm
Edition 42/400. Signed by the artist on the front and back.
Starting Bid $350, unframed, with COA
26.Jin-me Yoon
Souvenirs of the Self,1991, Postcards, 24" x 6"
Starting Bid $200
27.Elizabeth Vander Zaag [SOLD]
Wenshui Spectrogram, 2008, Digital print, 11”x14”
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $50
28.Jungang Zhang
Zha Long, 2006, Digital print, 21.5”x17”
Market Value $800, Starting Bid $300
29.Ivan Zhao [SOLD]
Untitled, 2007, Digital Print, 8" x 10"
Market Value $200, Starting Bid $50
30.Shengtian Zheng
Rocky Mountain, 2006, Oil painting, 80cm x 60.5cm
Market Value $5000, Starting Bid $3000
31.Yaohua Zheng x 4
Under Manhattan Bridge, 2004, Digital print 18"x 18"
Market Value $1200/each, Starting Bid $500
32.Debra Zhou x 2 [SOLD]
Fire Waltz, 2008, Drawing 24" x 18"
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $100
A Dandy Line, 2008, Drawing 24" x 18"
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $100
*Complete set of Yishu Journal since 2002
Value $350
China Earthquake Relief Fundraising Silent Auction
Friday, June 20th, 2008, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
at Centre A, 2 West Hastings St., Vancouver, Canada
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Entry by donation.
Event website: http://2008may12.blogspot.com
On Monday, May 12, 2008 a major earthquake, measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, rocked southwestern China's Sichuan Province. The tremors were felt as far as Wuhan, Shanghai and Beijing. Hundreds of aftershocks followed in the same area. The quake destroyed thousands buildings, as well as infrastructure like communication networks and electrical towers. As of June 4th, 69,122 dead, 17,991 missing, 373,606 injured, 45,690,000 victimized, and more than 11 million people displaced. Many homes, schools and businesses were destroyed. This earthquake is the worst natural disaster to hit China in 30 years.
This event is a humanitarian contribution from the Vancouver art community to those who are suffering from the terrible disaster in Sichuan, China. Featuring a diverse and spectacular group of Canadian and international artists, including Eric Metcalfe, Hank Bull, Randy Gledhill, David Khang, Xu Bing, and Ding Yi, with more than 30 contemporary art works, incorperated into Centre A's current exhibition Showroom, the auction is so far the biggest China earthquake relief event in Vancouver. A sneak preview of the art work is available online at http://2008may12.blogspot.com. Internet bidding is also accepted for those who cannot attend.
This event is free and open to everyone. Entry is by donation. Those wishing to donate money for the earthquake relief will be able to do so at the event. 100% of the proceeds will go to Canadian Red Cross.
Special thanks to
Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
Kristina Lee Podesva and Inge Roecker
Peking Lounge
Shengtian Zheng & Yishu Journal
Leestone Industry Ltd.
Organizers: Phoebe Jin & Debra Zhou
Fundraising Committee: Makiko Hara, Randy Gledhill
For more information Please contact: 2008may12@gmail.com
Online bidding
Please send your highest bid to 2008may12@gmail
Online bidding ends at June 20, 6pm Pacific time.
Auction Payment
After winning an item, please donate the amount to Canada Red Cross in the following way within 7 days of the auction (last day: June 27th). However, we strongly encourage you to donate before noon on June 23rd, before the matching program ends. To find out more, please visit:
How to donate:
1. Donate online.
Please go to https://www.paypaq.com/redcross/new/index.php
Make sure you check China Earthquake in the Fund Destination section.
2. Donate by phone.
Canadian Red Cross hotline: 1-800-418-1111
3. Donate by mail.
Please make your cheque payable to the Canadian Red Cross. In the memo please put: China Earthquake 2008. Mail the cheque to the address below:
Canadian Red Cross
P.O. Box 4664 STN Terminal
Vancouver, BC, V6B 4A1
4. Donate in person.
Please contact Lower Mainland office
3400 Lake City Way
Burnaby, BC, V5A 4Y2
Phone: 604-709-6600
Toll Free: 1-800-565-8000
After making the payment, you can pick up your artwork at Centre A
with your receipt from Red Cross.
Source: http://www.redcross.ca/article.asp?id=000043&tid=016
How to donate:
1. Donate online.
Please go to https://www.paypaq.com/redcros
Make sure you check China Earthquake in the Fund Destination section.
2. Donate by phone.
Canadian Red Cross hotline: 1-800-418-1111
3. Donate by mail.
Please make your cheque payable to the Canadian Red Cross. In the memo please put: China Earthquake 2008. Mail the cheque to the address below:
Canadian Red Cross
P.O. Box 4664 STN Terminal
Vancouver, BC, V6B 4A1
4. Donate in person.
Please contact Lower Mainland office
3400 Lake City Way
Burnaby, BC, V5A 4Y2
Phone: 604-709-6600
Toll Free: 1-800-565-8000
After making the payment, you can pick up your artwork at Centre A
with your receipt from Red Cross.
Source: http://www.redcross.ca/article
Centre A, 2 West Hastings St., Vancouver, Canada
2008年5月12日在中国四川省发生里氏八级特大地震,数千公里外的武汉、北京和上海均有强 烈震感。此后数天,同一地区,又遭受了上千次余震。地震摧毁了成千上万房屋、城市和乡村基础设施、交通系统和电网。无数家庭、学校和商业设施被彻底摧毁。这是中国三十年来造成损失最为惨重的地震灾害。
我们即将举办的这场地震赈灾拍卖会,是由温哥华艺术界组织的一次人道主义募捐活动,旨在帮助那些此刻依然正在痛苦中挣扎的中国地震灾民。此次活动汇集了加拿大和国际上知名的视觉艺术家,如Hank Bull、Randy Gledhill,David Khang,徐冰和丁乙以及他们的30余件现代艺术作品。它将是目前为止British Columbia省规模最大的赈灾募捐活动。拍卖活动的收入将如数全部捐献给加拿大红十字会以供赈灾之用。
参加拍卖之艺术品的图片资料提前在拍卖会的网站 http://2008may12.blogspot.com 上预览。不能亲临现场的人士,亦可通过网络竞价的方式参与拍卖。
Centre A, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
Kristina Lee Podesva and Inge Roecker
Peking Lounge
Shengtian Zheng & Yishu Journal
Leestone Industry Ltd.
组织者:Phoebe Jin & Debra Zhou
募款委员会:Makiko Hara, Randy Gledhill
China Earthquake Relief Silent Auction Art List as of June 16, 2008
1.Xu Bing
Book from the Ground, 2007
ink on paper, 29.7 cm x 35.6 cm, signed by the artist.
Produced by Xu Bing Studio, New York. Edition of 199.
Starting Bid $350
2.Hank Bull [SOLD]
Untitled, 2006, Oil Painting, 10" x 8"
Market Value $800, Starting Bid $20
3.Michael Doe [SOLD]
Spring left over , 2008, C-print, 65cm x 85cm
Market Value $400, Starting Bid $200
4.Li Feng x 3 [SOLD / one photo]
White Night, 2005, Digital print, 30"x 22"
Market Value $1500/each, Starting Bid $600/each
5.Julie Gendron
Scene, 2004, C-Print, 15.5" x 23.3"
Market Value &600, Starting Bid $250
6.Randy Gledhill [SOLD]
The Ruins of the 1964 New York World’s Fair, 1984
Digital-Print, 12 x 17 inches
Market Value $12000, Reserved Value $15
7.Paul De Guzman [SOLD]
Grand Street # 65 - Trouble, 1999
altered literary magazine, mylar blisterpak, Plexiglas tray, 13" x 10" x 2.5"
Market Value $3000, Starting Bid $200
8.David Hucal [SOLD]
Untitled, 2008, Gouache,41.7cm x 34cm
Market Value $350, Starting Bid $100
9.Phoebe Jin x 2
Untitled, 2006, Digital print 16"x 24"
Market Value $1000/each, Starting Bid $400/each
10.Kyungji Susan Kang
Untitled, 2006, Acrylic on panel, 31"x60"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $300
11.David Khang
Eternal Peace Avenue (from Globalopoly Series), 2000, Silkscreen Print, 15 x 22
Market Value $500, Starting Bid $300
12.Khan Lee [SOLD]
Untitled, 2002, plastic
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $49.99
13.Sally Lee x 2 [SOLD]
The 'f' word, 2002, Lithograph on paper, 23" x 15"
Market Value $200/each, Starting Bid $30/each, $50 as a pair
14.Glenn Lewis
Marilyn Monroe, 1953, C-print 16"x 21"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $400
15.Eric Metcalfe [SOLD]
Mandarin Ducks, 2008, Gouache, 15" x 11"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $400
16.Michael Morris [SOLD]
STEP'IN OUT, 2003, Silkscreen Print, 11.5" x 8.5"
Market Value $600, Starting Bid $100
17.Bryan Mulvihill [SOLD]
Tea and Zen tastes the same, 2008, Calligraphy, 16" x 46.5"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $50
18.Heidi Nagtagaal [SOLD]
Living Room Cozy, 2003, Play-mobile + Knitted material, 15.7" x 8.6" x 8.6"
Market Value $800, Starting Bid $200
19.Christopher Olson [SOLD]
Rough Idea for a Proposed Installation at Some Point, 2008, Digital Print on Matte, 11x14
Market Value $200, Starting Bid $20
20.Liz Park x 2
Totem & China Town Gate, 2002, pencil on paper, 22" x 30"
Market Value $500, Starting Bid $200
21.Joomi Seo [SOLD]
Replacement of Art about Art with Representation about Representation, 2008
Digital Print, 5 x 7 inches
Market Value $250, Starting Bid $50
22.William Ting [SOLD]
Suntanning @ Terminal, 2007, unframed, Inkjet Print on Archival Fine Art Paper, 24" x 34"
Market Value $500, Starting Bid $200
23.Zhang Xin (pen-name: Muchen Zhang) [SOLD]
Circulation, 2007, Oil Painting, 36"X36"
Market Value: $800, Starting Bid $300
24.Chen Yi
Black Construction, 2007, Oil Painting, 36"X48"
Market Value $1000, Starting Bid $400
25.Ding Yi [SOLD]
Crosses 08, 2008, Serigraph on paper, 297 x 178mm
Edition 42/400. Signed by the artist on the front and back.
Starting Bid $350, unframed, with COA
26.Jin-me Yoon
Souvenirs of the Self,1991, Postcards, 24" x 6"
Starting Bid $200
27.Elizabeth Vander Zaag [SOLD]
Wenshui Spectrogram, 2008, Digital print, 11”x14”
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $50
28.Jungang Zhang
Zha Long, 2006, Digital print, 21.5”x17”
Market Value $800, Starting Bid $300
29.Ivan Zhao [SOLD]
Untitled, 2007, Digital Print, 8" x 10"
Market Value $200, Starting Bid $50
30.Shengtian Zheng
Rocky Mountain, 2006, Oil painting, 80cm x 60.5cm
Market Value $5000, Starting Bid $3000
31.Yaohua Zheng x 4
Under Manhattan Bridge, 2004, Digital print 18"x 18"
Market Value $1200/each, Starting Bid $500
32.Debra Zhou x 2 [SOLD]
Fire Waltz, 2008, Drawing 24" x 18"
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $100
A Dandy Line, 2008, Drawing 24" x 18"
Market Value $300, Starting Bid $100
*Complete set of Yishu Journal since 2002
Value $350